Saturday, April 25, 2009


I was "kind of" tagged by the drop dead gorgeous, Phoebe!!

• What is your current obsession?
Playing guitar, i've randomly all of a sudden gotten way into it.. :D

• What is your weirdest obsession?
everyone thinks its really weird that i'm quite obsessed with mexican guys...haha

• What are you wearing today?
a white shirt with a heart on it, and inside the heart it says "heartbreak hotel", haha and blue velvet sweatpants, and no shoes...haha 

• What’s for dinner today?
ehh, i have no idea... :P

• What would make today special?
if brody jenner knocked on my door...or actually no. FRANKIE DELGADO!!!! HAHA

• What would you like to learn to do?
i would love to learn how to read people's minds...haha, i want to learn how to whistle...i've never known how...SOMEONE TEACH ME. haha

• What’s the last thing you bought?
heartless by kanye west ringtone...haha

• What are you listening to right now?
my foot tapping against the floor, cause i can never sit still...hah

• What is your favorite weather?
61 degrees and sunny woohoo :)

• What is your most challenging goal right now?
waking up early...ehh not a huge fan.

• What do you think about the person who tagged you?
aww i love her! shes so gorgeous.

• If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
PUERTO RICO!!!!! lol ow ow!!!! 

• What would you like to have in your hands right now?
um, a check for 10 billion dollars from bill gates? duh. haha

• What would you like to get rid of?
war. hate. mean people. people who lie...yup. 

• If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
oooh um, probably puerto rico, or el salvador, mexico, ya know....haha

• Which language do you want to learn?
I really want to learn spanish, and then french is beautiful of course...

• What do you look for in a friend?
I don't have a certain, "type", if i click with someone, then like, i click...haha, just someone who's chill, and...nice? haha

• Who do you want to meet in person?
brody jenner, ronald mcdonald, of course shyan, all my homies on youtube duh...yup.

• What’s your favorite type of music?
Everything...theres good in every genre :) 

• What is your favorite piece of clothing you own?
Anything yellow:D

• What is your dream job?

• Any favorite models?
My favorite model is lily donaldson. I think she's stunningly beautiful, and then i also love kate moss, like everyone else in the world..haha

• If you had £100 now what would you spend it on?
Um, i'd stop by forever

• Favorite designer?
Chanel, dior, and then anything from urban outfitters...haha

• Favorite makeup brand?
Urban decay, mac, benefit...

• Fashion pet peeve?
crocs. EWWWW. no offense if you wear them, but...those hurt my eyes. 

• Do you admire anyone’s style?
I love blake lively's style.

• Describe your personal style.
Urban, boho, preppy, fun, BRIGHT. haha emphasis on the bright. i mean,
 like neon. hah.

• HONESTLY describe yourself in ONE WORD.

I tag shyan!! 

ariel :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hello there fellow earthling. I thought it would be fun to give you 10 sort of "facts" about me. More like basics about me. I guess. 

1.  My first pet was a goldfish named fluffy. She was beautiful, smart, very trainable, but lived to be 12 hours. 

2. I usually don't get nervous, but when I do, it's bad. I sometimes get so nervous, randomly, that I have to lock myself in the bathroom, and pray. And I always cry when I'm nervous. But I only get insanely nervous probably twice a year, so its not that bad. Hah.

3. I was born with very dark blue eyes, but as I've gotten older, they keep getting lighter, and more green. I don't know why...but it looks sick so I'm not complaining. HAHA.

4. When I was little, everywhere we went, I had to take my horse stuffed animal named Claudia.
Please don't ask why I named her Claudia. I'm wondering myself. I've had her since I was 2. How do 2 year olds even know the name Claudia? I've never even met a Claudia in my life. Well, I also named a penguin Damian. So, yeah.

5. I don't fall in love easily, when I fall, I fall hard.

6. I have a very obsessive personality.

7. I don't grudges. I forgive waay too easily. If you did something backstabbing to me, but then gave me a hug and a pickle, your my new best friend. I wish I wasn't like that, but I can't help it..

8. When I was 5, I was bit by a rattlesnake. 

9. My first word was "taxi".

10. I am intensely, completely, insanely, in love with Christofer Drew. I am so in love with him. I'm blown away by him. He gives me butterflies. Brings tears to my eyes. I love him. You don't even understand. The only person who understands EXACTLY how I feel about him, is my sister. Shyan. She's my love too. :D 

those are my 10 random facts! i tag: shyan and savannah. they know who they are.
gossip girl